Tôkyô goddofâzâzu Free youtube For Free 1080i(hd) release date
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Publisher AnimeX Project
Genres: Drama, Animation / 92 minute / / Star: Shôzô Îzuka / 2003 / Story: Tôkyô goddofâzâzu is a movie starring Tôru Emori, Yoshiaki Umegaki, and Aya Okamoto. On Christmas Eve, three homeless people living on the streets of Tokyo find a newborn baby among the trash and set out to find its parents. Rodzice chrzestni z Tokio 東京ゴッドファーザーズ Gatunek anime, dramat, komedia Rok produkcji 2003 Data premiery 8 listopada 2003 Kraj produkcji Japonia Język japoński Czas trwania 92 min Reżyseria Satoshi Kon Shôgo Furuya Scenariusz Keiko Nobumoto Satoshi Kon (na podstawie powieści pod tym samym tytułem) Główne role Aya Okamoto Toru Emori Yoshiaki Umegaki Muzyka Keiichi Suzuki Zdjęcia Katsutoshi Sugai Montaż Takeshi Seyama Produkcja Masao Maruyama Dystrybucja Imperial CinePix (Polska) Nagrody 2004: Mainichi Eiga Concours: • najlepszy film animowany Japan Media Arts Festival: • Excellence Prize [1] Rodzice chrzestni z Tokio ( jap. 東京ゴッドファーザーズ Tōkyō Goddofāzāzu, ang. Tokyo Godfathers) – japoński film animowany z 2003, którego reżyserem jest Satoshi Kon. Opowiada o tym, jak troje bezdomnych ludzi opiekowało się maleństwem. Film jest przeznaczony dla młodzieży i dorosłych. Fabuła [ edytuj | edytuj kod] Akcja trzeciego filmu Satoshi Kona rozpoczyna się w dzień wigilii Bożego Narodzenia. Trójka bezdomnych zamieszkujących ulice Tokio: były zawodowy kolarz Gin, podstarzała drag queen Hana oraz nastoletnia dziewczyna imieniem Miyuki, grzebiąc w śmieciach znajduje porzuconego niemowlaka. To niezwykłe odkrycie zmienia życie bohaterów, którzy postanawiają wspólnie zaopiekować się dzieckiem, i przy pomocy wskazówek pozostawionych przy maleństwie odnaleźć jego prawdziwych rodziców. Przypisy [ edytuj | edytuj kod] Linki zewnętrzne [ edytuj | edytuj kod] Rodzice chrzestni z Tokio w bazie IMDb ( ang. ) Rodzice chrzestni z Tokio w bazie Filmweb Recenzja anime Rodzice chrzestni z Tokio na stronie.
So amazing. Thank you for these man. Would have never thought to dive that deep into Tokyo Godfather. Rodzice chrzestni z Tokio “Free” *??????? STREAM?????? Creator Kawaii Queen Magdalena Bio: I am MagdaLena! I love books, Anime, Manga, Youtube vloging, and my dogs and cats? Countries=Japan Comedy release year=2003 Creators=Keiko Nobumoto 92 M Director=Shôgo Furuya Nasii din tokyo online subtitrat. Nasii din tokyo airport. Before I saw this film I had heard that it was one of the best anime films ever and it had appeared on some peoples list of favorite films. So I leaned back and watched this beautiful anime about three bums who find a baby in a dumpster and they start looking for the baby's parents. The amazing thing about this movie is that it is never boring, something happens all the time. I also love the type of films where things happens by chance. The Characters in the movie are very funny and human and the characters and the the environment are very realistic created. One of the best anime movies I have seen. It's nearly as good as "Akira" on of my favorite movies. Tokyo Godfathers will become a classic. Nasii din tokyo 1. Your content is so confusing. I feel like I understand everything and nothing at the same time and I love it. Never stop. Nasii din tokyo game. Nasii din tokyo 2. Fantastic video. You really did justice to one of my all time favourite movies - while bringing to light the social issues at its heart. I knew things were bad for addicts, LGBTQ folk, and women in Japan, but some of the statistics you dug up for this are downright horrifying. Nasii din tokyo online. Pierwsza. Ja słyszałem że czyste tofu jest w zasadzie bez smaku i przejmuje ono smak innych składników potrawy której jest składnikiem. Osobiście jedząc kiedyś w knajpie azjatyckiej natknąłem się na tofu smakujące jak sos teriyaki (sojowo-miodowy. SPOILERS ALERT! All my reviews have spoilers! First I need to say? You’ve been mocked by Kon! And it doesn’t matter if you’re a western or a eastern; a Christian or a Buddhist; if you think this is about religion of family? the real truth is YOU’VE BEEN MOCKED! This movie was released in 2003 under the direction of Satoshi Kon and Shougo Furuya, and was also co-written by Kon and Keiko Nobumo (Wolf’s Rain). The story begins in Christmas Eve, in Tokyo, where a trio of homeless people discovers an abandoned newborn dumped in the trash, and they’ll pass by a lot of ups and downs to deliver this baby to her real parents. It’s very interesting to see how the westerns always try to see this movie by their perspective when they forget that the Japanese view is completely different! And Kon deliberately grabs this multicultural factor and puts it in this movie, and you know Kon, he’s very good with ironies! There are some facts you need to understand before you try to judge this animation, and I’m going to try to explain them by conjugating the western and the Japanese view to establish the contrasts and make you see where the mockery resides. Let’s begin with the title: for a western the title has a deep related mean with the Christian idea of protection? a godfather is a person who’s left in charge of a child when the parents die; for Japanese a godfather is a high ranked yakuza! So they look at this title and say? These homelessness must be some bad asses!? … Other important aspect about the title is that despite the plot being based in the 1948 “The Three Godfathers” there’s a point why this title is different! In a title like (3) Godfathers, there’s a conception of individuality, but this movie points out to a society (Tokyo) and Japan’s society has his basic unit in the family concept rather than the individual. The influence of the western globalization brought this conception of individuality that wasn’t present in the Japanese’s traditional bound society and a lot of psychosocial issues began to appear? the globalization blurred the traditional foundations. So the title has a special emphasis on the society! In the beginning of the movie it’s also establish the main theme when the father is preaching - If you watch closely he’s talking about a very important thing: Home! This whole movie is about identity! The multicultural factor can make societies lose their identity, and identity is what defines you, is what takes you home! And despite the lot of resemblances you’ll make with Christians ideas, Kon puts a very special reminder of a Japanese cultural tradition when Hana recites Haiku’s along the movie! If you thought about religion, and nativity, when watching this movie, you’re not completely wrong! But our Kiyoko, the “pure child” it’s actually an allegory to Buddha! Which is emphasized by her mark in her forehead (no, it’s not there just for the design! ). So, Kon deliberately mocks your concept of nativity putting a “Buddha” in the trio arms! Other thing that is laughable is the inter-mixed generated for these two religions in a character? Hana. She’s the one that is always defending that every circumstance is a miracle from God, when the Christian religion does not approve homosexuals! And this is an aspect that you don’t have in Japan? Buddhism, Shintoism or Confusionism, any of them disapproved homosexuals! So, again, Kon is mocking with this fact! The application of “miracles” here seems very ambiguous - despite Hana keep saying that everything is a miracle from the Providence; they are all in fact coincidences. There’s only one moment that we could say it’s a miracle: when the Old Man (possibly God, by the light shades) leaves this red bag with a winning lottery; other moment that you might find to be a miracle is when Hana is falling with the baby, but the baby stops crying, she’s at peace (that can be associated with a Buddhist concept too, again the intermixed). In fact, the way the two religions see miracles are completely diverge: Christians believe that God gives/make miracles; the Buddhism believes that a miracle can happen within you when you understand how to get rid of suffer, and Kiyoko actually works as a guide for this trio to understand that they don’t have reasons to be suffering. I don’t think Kon is forcing a Christian view here; he actually mocks the angels putting a hostess as one, and despite the characters going to the Christian ceremony, they do the offerings in the year-end Buddhist temple (which is a tradition) so, you shouldn’t look at this movie by just one side when this is about mockery! Only 1% of the Japanese are Christians so they don’t have the notions you have about this theme. Christmas Eve is a day when you eat chicken and a Japanese Christmas cake, and take a walk with your love, or give her/him a present. In fact, is more like you’re Valentine’s Day! And the Years-End… yes, can be more like your Christmas but with no nativity associations… Each character seems to be related to certain typo social: Hana is the open minded one (in all aspects! ), she accepts spirituality very widely. She’s a cross-dresser, and you’ll see a lot of cross-dressers in Tokyo (which doesn’t imply that they are homo! ); she’s very kind and lovable and she’s one of the coolest homo portraits I’ve seen in animation! Gin is really the type of homeless you’ll see more in the major cities of Japan? man in his 40’s, with alcoholic issues, that was a failure at business and began gathering debts. They feel too much ashamed to face their families so they exile in homelessness communities. Homelessness in Japan are a bit different from what I’ve seen in other technological countries, they are organized, and do not ask you for money? they live by the trash disposals. It’s true that people pretend that they don’t exist, but most of them are a reflection of the precarious work that began with the 90’s rescession. One important fact is that our three characters are on the streets because they chosed to be there? Hana can go back to the club; Gin can go back home; and Miyuki can go back to her parents? they weren’t the ones’ that got abandoned (well unless Hana when born…), they all left because they felt they should do it instead of facing their problems! Muyiki represents the teens, rebellious, attracted to the kawaii culture to repress their feelings (that’s why she loves cats), only having a shadow of her father because he overworks, obese by the consumerism culture… This movie is actually just a pulling string of something that is going to be much more explored in “Paranoia Agent”? the victimhood culture; the society bounds breaking; and that’s why he even mocks the traditional idea of family putting these three acting like one! Tokyo is, itself, a character too in here. You have the darkest sides of an industrialized, overpopulated, and technologic city where you have clubs, illegal immigrants, shady deals, dirty alleys, Yakuzas, gangs, homelessness and oversized trash. And let me tell you, trash is really a big issue in Tokyo and Osaka! The consumerism brought a high rate of disposable trash, and it’s common to see people almost sunk in their own trash at home! There’s actually a scene in the movie that shows that, is when Gin goes to Sachiko’s husband place and there’s a pile of trash everywhere! Why does this happen? Well in Japan you pay fees for garbage collections which means if you consume a lot this week you probably can’t dump all in this week (unless you want to pay! ), there are 6 types of trash and there’s a collector schedule to dispose each type of trash in a certain day of the week. So, if today was cans and you forgot it, it’s gone! You need to wait for the next week. Many people accumulate trash in the big city, and it’s funny that we almost could say that is like living as a homeless with the trash surrounding you… The characters feel very realistic, and the animation helps a lot with this factor putting excessive expressive faces, emphasizing the comedian side, and I always laugh when Hana is discussing with Gin at the hospital! The visuals work well; the tones of the city are well represented, and some background can be impressive. The use of Bethoven’s Symphony no. 9 “Ode to Joy” (or freedom) it’s a traditional classic song played every year in Japan's Years-End! Let’s look at the issues: the coincidences are indeed a lot, to the point where any credibility gets excluded. It’s a comedy movie but the plot turns very weak with this issue! I do love Tokyo Godfathers for the ironies and the exposure of social problems, and is very interesting to understand how the globalization and multicultural concept has is pros and cons and can affect a society to the point of losing his identity and traditions. Despite the main plot not being the greatest, that’s not a reason for you to put this title aside! I already watched this on Patreon but you know what, I'm gonna let it run in the background here. Abstract: The aim of this master’s thesis was to compare two films, the American western 3 Godfathers (1948) and the Japanese anime Tokyo Godfathers (2003). The first film was directed by John Ford, and the second one by Satoshi Kon. Both productions are adaptations of the book The Three Godfathers, written by Peter Kyne in 1913. It describes the experiences of three criminals (pariahs) who run away through the desert. During the escape they find an infant. They decide to take care of it and eventually become its godfathers. The motif of redemptive journey is very important here. The child can be compared to the Baby Jesus. The action of the novel takes place in the Wild West at Christmas time. While John Ford presented similar circumstances in his film, Satoshi Kon radically altered them. The appearance of an infant, social exclusion and inner transformation of main characters is still important; however, the heroes are not cowboys, but homeless people. Furthermore, Kon moved the film’s action to Tokyo and embedded the plot in the Japanese reality. The motifs depicted in the films are similar. The heroes struggle with many obstacles, but ultimately manage to save the child and gain social recognition. Providence watches over them all the time. However, due to the cultural differences, the above themes are presented in a various manner. In addition, the films differ from each other in respect of their modes of production. For that reason, the comparative analysis will allow us not only to see how the directors realised the above topics, but will also provide valuable information on the Japanese and American culture. Bearing that in mind, the first chapter is devoted to the analysis of films in relation to their genres. According to the available resources, the author presents the general features of the western and anime, as well as the most important facts on both directors. Later, she performs the above-mentioned analysis in accordance with the discussed theory. The second chapter consists of two parts. In the first part, the author describes the issue of religiosity in the United States and Japan. Next, she makes use of this information while analysing religious motifs in both films. The second part of the chapter focuses on social exclusion. According to the publications of various scientists, the author explains the nature of this phenomenon. She draws particular attention to homelessness in Japan as it is a significant element of the film Tokyo Godfathers. Then she discusses the American typology of the official and outlaw hero, which, in turn, is important for the movie 3 Godfathers. This information will be further used to study the situation of the film characters (the outcasts). At the end, the author explains who a hero is and what the Christian concept of redemption stands for. The third chapter includes the analyses of four film scenes, two from each production. Here, the author focuses on presenting the whole transformation of the characters, from the moment of decision-making to becoming a hero and gaining social acceptance. In the conclusion, the author sums up the features of American and Japanese culture, which result from the film analysis, as well as the theory given in the previous chapters. Celem niniejszej pracy magisterskiej było porównanie dwóch filmów, amerykańskiego westernu pt. 3 Godfathers (Trzej Ojcowie Chrzestni, 1948) oraz japońskiej anime pt. Tokyo Godfathers (Rodzice Chrzestni z Tokio, 2003). Reżyserem pierwszego filmu jest John Ford, a drugiego Satoshi Kon. Okazuje się, że obydwie produkcje stanowią adaptację książki o tym samym tytule, co western, napisanej przez Petera Kyne’a w 1913r. Opisuje ona doświadczenia trzech przestępców, wyrzutków społecznych, którzy uciekają przez pustynie. W trakcie ucieczki znajdują noworodka. Postanawiają go uratować, ostatecznie zostają jego ojcami chrzestnymi. Bardzo ważny jest tutaj motyw wewnętrznego oczyszczenia, odkupienia win. Należy zaznaczyć, że noworodek jest porównywany do Dzieciątka Jesus. Akcja książki rozgrywa się na Dzikim Zachodzie w czasie Świąt Bożego Narodzenia. Podczas gdy John Ford przedstawił podobne okoliczności w swoim filmie, Satoshi Kon całkowicie je zmienił. Wciąż ważny jest motyw dziecka, wykluczenia społecznego i wewnętrznej przemiany głównych bohaterów, jednakże nie są oni kowbojami, tylko bezdomnymi. Co więcej, Kon przeniósł akcję filmu do Tokio i osadził fabułę w japońskich realiach. Problematyka obydwóch filmów jest bardzo podobna. Bohaterowie zmagają się z wieloma przeciwnościami losu, ale ostatecznie udaje im się uratować dziecko i zyskać uznanie społeczne. Przez cały czas czuwa nad nimi Opatrzność. Powyższe motywy zostały jednak zaprezentowane w różny sposób ze względu na odmienność kulturową między Japonią a Stanami Zjednoczonymi. Ponadto, filmy różnią się od siebie przez wzgląd na gatunek. Analiza porównawcza pozwoli nam zatem zobaczyć, jak reżyserowie zrealizowali powyższą tematykę oraz dostarczy cennych informacji na temat kultury obydwu krajów. Pierwszy rozdział pracy poświęcony jest analizie filmów przez wzgląd na ich gatunek. Na podstawie dostępnych źródeł autorka przedstawia ogólne cechy westernu i anime, jak również podaje najważniejsze informacje o reżyserach. W oparciu o te teorię dokonuje wyżej wspomnianej analizy. Drugi rozdział składa się z dwóch części. W pierwszej części autorka omawia kwestię religijności w Stanach Zjednoczonych i Japonii. Następnie wykorzystuje tę wiedzę do zbadania motywów religijnych w obydwóch filmach. Druga część rozdziału dotyczy wykluczenia społecznego. Korzystając z publikacji różnych naukowców, autorka tłumaczy, czym jest to zjawisko. Szczególną uwagą poświęca bezdomności, gdyż jest to kluczowy element filmu Ojcowie Chrzestni z Tokio. Następnie przedstawia amerykańską typologię bohaterów, która jest z kolei ważna dla filmu Trzej Ojcowie Chrzestni. Te informacje posłużą jej do przeanalizowania sytuacji filmowych bohaterów (wyrzutków społecznych). Na końcu autorka wyjaśnia kim jest bohater i z czym wiąże się chrześcijański koncept odkupienia grzechów. Trzeci rozdział prezentuje analizę czterech scen filmowych, po dwie z każdej produkcji. Tutaj autorka skupia się na omówieniu całej przemiany bohaterów, od momentu podjęcia decyzji o zaopiekowaniu się noworodkiem, do uzyskania akceptacji społecznej i tytułu bohatera. W zakończeniu autorka przedstawia cechy kultury amerykańskiej i japońskiej, który wynikają z analizy filmów, jak również teorii podanej we wcześniejszych rozdziałach. Keywords: 3 Godfathers, Tokyo Godfathers, John Ford, Satoshi Kon, Japan, the United States, social exclusion, an outcast, a homeless person, a criminal, a hero, God, redemption/catharsis, religion Trzej Ojcowie Chrzestni, Ojcowie Chrzestni z Tokio, John Ford, Satoshi Kon, Japonia, Stany Zjednoczone, wykluczenie społeczne, wyrzutek, bezdomny, przestępca, bohater, Bóg, odkupienie/katharsis, religia. Just in time for Christmas! Oh, wait. Czy nabe jest podobne do chankonabe? Brzmi podobnie. Jadłabym. Nasii din tokyo lyrics. Nasii din tokyo hotels. Tofu jest pyszne! Kto jest za łapa w górę. Nasii din tokyo live. Nasii din tokyo drift. Nasii din tokyobanhbao. Tokyo Godfathers (movie) - Anime News Network:W Views Features chronological archives Feb? 14 Rumor Has It: The Grief-less Origins of Magia Record's Uwasa Feb? 7 The Real-World Stories Behind Dr. Stone's Inventions Feb? 5 Hunting for Hanako Jan? 31 Interview: CloverWorks's Akira Shimizu and Yuichi Fukushima Jan? 29 Interview: Up-and-coming J-Rock Group BRATS Jan? 24 Carole & Tuesday: A Song of Refugees and Fire Jan? 22 The Curious Case of Sally Amaki, the Bilingual Idol Jan? 17 Interview: Guilty Kiss, A Love Live! Sensation & Fan-Made Obsession Reviews alphabetical archives Misfortune Devouring Witch is Actually a Vampire Novel Feb? 13 A Certain Magical Index III part 1 BR/DVD Feb? 12 Haikyu!! LAND VS. 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Alternative title: Héroes al rescate (Spanish) Los Padrinos de Tokio (Spanish) Os Padrinhos de Tóquio (Portuguese) Rodzice chrzestni z Tokio (Polish) Однажды в Токио (Russian) 東京ゴッドファーザーズ (Japanese) 東京教父 (Chinese (Taiwan)) Objectionable content: Significant Plot Summary: On Christmas Eve, three homeless people residing in Tokyo -- middle-aged alcoholic Gin, teenage runaway Miyuki, and former drag queen Hana -- were looking through a dumpster for Christmas gifts, when cries from a baby drew their attention. Believing this was a gift from God, Hana, not being able to have a child of her own, vowed to take care of the abandoned baby girl. They then, together, begin to search for the baby's mother. Through Christmas Eve to the end of the year, they encounter a variety of characters and find people they thought they'd never see again. User Ratings: 2138 ratings have been given [ details] Masterpiece: 410 votes (sub:331, dub:45,? :4, raw:2, others:28 5 Spanish subtitled 4 German dubbed 3 Spanish dubbed 3 French subtitled 3 Portuguese subtitled 2 Italian dubbed 1 French edited dub 1 Portuguese dubbed 1 Italian subtitled 1 German subtitled 1 Russian dubbed 1 Turkish subtitled 1 Spanish edited dub 1 Swedish subtitled) Excellent: 755 votes (sub:634, dub:77,? :9, raw:5, others:30 7 Spanish subtitled 5 German dubbed 5 Spanish dubbed 4 Italian dubbed 2 Russian subtitled 2 French subtitled 1 Swedish subtitled 1 Italian subtitled 1 Polish subtitled 1 Portuguese subtitled 1 Danish subtitled) Very good: 573 votes (sub:467, dub:60,? :8, raw:1,, others:36 7 Spanish subtitled 6 Italian dubbed 5 French subtitled 4 Portuguese subtitled 4 Spanish dubbed 1 German dubbed 1 French dubbed 1 Dutch subtitled 1 Hungarian dubbed 1 Romanian subtitled 1 Danish subtitled 1 German subtitled 1 Swedish subtitled 1 Polish subtitled 1 Russian subtitled) Good: 254 votes (sub:202, dub:30,? :2, raw:2, others:18 5 Spanish subtitled 3 Spanish dubbed 3 Russian subtitled 1 Polish subtitled 1 Spanish edited dub 1 German dubbed 1 Dutch subtitled 1 Italian dubbed 1 Russian edited dub 1 Chinese Mandarin subtitled) Decent: 77 votes (sub:53, dub:15,? :4, raw:2, others:3 1 Russian subtitled 1 French dubbed 1 Dutch subtitled) So-so: 26 votes (sub:19, dub:5,, raw:1) Not really good: 9 votes (sub:8, others:1) Weak: 11 votes (sub:8, others:3 1 Italian subtitled 1 Spanish subtitled 1 German subtitled) Bad: 5 votes (sub:4, dub:1) Awful: 5 votes (sub:4, dub:1) Worst ever: 13 votes (sub:13) Seen in part or in whole by 3075 users, rank: #345 (of 7870) Median rating: Excellent Arithmetic mean: 8. 388 (Very good+), std. dev. : 1. 4581, rank: #219 (of 7922) Weighted mean: 8. 385 (Very good+), rank: #192 (of 7922) (seen all: 8. 40 / seen some: 8. 19 / won't finish: 3. 99) Bayesian estimate: 8. 380 (Very good+), rank: #105 (of 6034) Premiere date: 2003-08-30 (New York - Big Apple Anime Fest) 2003-10-02 (San Diego Asian Film Festival) 2003-12-05 (Los Angeles, California) 2004-01-16 (Italy - Future Film Festival) 2004-01-16 (USA [limited release]) 2008-06-02 (Latin America - Animax (Reciclo)) Other articles: Show: 4 12 20 You can contribute information to this page, but first you must login or register Japanese staff Japanese cast Director: Satoshi Kon Screenplay: Keiko Nobumoto Satoshi Kon Music: Keiichi Suzuki Original story: Satoshi Kon Character Design: Kenichi Konishi Satoshi Kon Art Director: Nobutaka Ike Animation Director: Kenichi Konishi Masashi Ando Toshiyuki Inoue Sound Director: Masafumi Mima Co-Director: Shougo Furuya Director of Photography: Katsutoshi Sugai Executive producer: Masao Takiyama Shinichi Kobayashi Taro Maki Producer: Masao Maruyama Background Art: Hisashi Ikeda Kikuyo Yano Masako Okada Mie Kasai Mitsuo Yoshino Naruyo Kiriyama Shinichi Uehara Takashi Omori Youichi Watanabe Casting Management: Tsutomu Kashiwakura Chief animator: Kenichi Konishi Co-Producer: Satoki Toyada Color design: Ken Hashimoto Computer Programming: Hiroshi Yamaoka Digital Harmony: Kei Ichikura Keiko Itogawa Digital Optical Recording: Noboru Nishio Editing: Kashiko Kimura Takeshi Seyama Ending Title: Yukio Kumagai (Nihon Effect Center) Film Development, Timing: Hiroaki Hirabayashi Film Recording: Hiroo Shibata Masahiro Honma Finish Animation: Bo-Ra Choi (DR Busan) Dong Wook Baek (DR Busan) Eu-Jene Jung (DR Movie) Eun Jin Hong (DR Busan) Hee Jung Jung (DR Busan) Hee Kyoung Choi (DR Busan) Hye Kyoung Park (DR Movie) Hye Mi Shin (DR Busan) Hyun Ji An (DR Movie) Hyun-Woo Lee (DR Busan) Jeong Eun-Sook (DR Movie) Jeong Ah Yim (DR Busan) Jeong Eun Lee (DR Movie) Ji Sung Choi (DR Busan) Jin Young Kwon (DR Movie) Jung Ah Park (DR Movie) Jung Eun Kim (DR Movie) Ki Jeong Choi (DR Busan) Lee Mi Yeun (DR Movie) Mi Hwa Lee (DR Busan) Min Ju Kim (DR Busan) Oh Su Im (DR Busan) Seo Saeng-Hoe (DR Busan) Seung Hee Song (DR Movie) Soon Lee Choi (DR Movie) Su-Ra Choi (DR Busan) Sung Hee Seo (DR Busan) Youn Suk Na (DR Movie) Young Kyung Park (DR Movie) Young Shim Lee (DR Movie) Young-Soon Choi (DR Busan) Yun Hee Park (DR Movie) Finish Check: Azusa Sasaki Fumie Mori Kenji Takaoka Noriko Kikui Rie Fujiwara Takahiro Mogi Yoshinori Horikawa Yuya Nishida Finishing: Jeong A Lim Mi Yeun Lee In-Between Animation: Chel-Ho Jang (DR Movie) Eriko Kubokawa (Madhouse) Eun Hee An (DR Movie) Eun Me Pyun (DR Movie) Eun Soon Byun (DR Movie) Ga Jin Lee (Madhouse) Hee Eun Choi (DR Movie) Hee Jin Jung (DR Movie) Heo Young Mi (DR Movie) Hidehiko Sawada (Madhouse) Houng Mi-Young (Madhouse) Hye-Soon Byun (DR Movie) Hyeon Soo Joung (DR Movie) Hyo-Sun Lee (DR Movie) Hyun Ju Park (DR Movie) Ikumi Fukumoto (Madhouse) Jee Young Soung (DR Movie) Ji Eun Kim (DR Movie) Jin Ju Go (DR Movie) Jung-Hee Kim (DR Movie) Kanae Miyoshi (Madhouse) Kaori Miyazaki (Madhouse) Kayo Ikeda (Madhouse) Keiko Yamashita (Madhouse) Kyong Sook Park (DR Movie) Maki Saitou (Madhouse) Makoto Yoshimura (Madhouse) Masato Tezuka (Madhouse) Megumi Tonegawa (Madhouse) Mi Ok Lee (DR Movie) Michiko Nagano (Madhouse) Naoko Masui (Madhouse) Natsumi Okumoto (Madhouse) Ryu Chae-Ryung (DR Movie) Seok Sun Shin (DR Movie) Seon Ea Kim (DR Movie) So Kyung Lee (DR Movie) Suk-Hwa Park (DR Movie) Taiki Imamura (Madhouse) Yoshie Fujiwara (Madhouse) Yoshihiro Kaneko (Madhouse) Yurika Higashizaka (DR Movie) In-Between Check: Akiko Ohshima Kayo Sakazume Kazuaki Imai Masayuki Kojima Sakiko Watanabe Key Animation: Akiko Asaki Hideki Hamasu Hiroko Kazui Hiroyuki Nakamura Hisashi Mori Kaichi Honma Kazunobu Hoshi Kazutaka Ozaki Kenichi Konishi Kumiko Kawana Masashi Ando Megumi Kagawa Michiyo Suzuki Miwa Sasaki Norio Matsumoto Shigeru Fujita Shinji Hashimoto Shinji Otsuka Shougo Furuya Takaaki Yamashita Takeshi Honda Tetsuya Kumagai Toshiyuki Inoue Lab Desk: Yūko Suzuki Lab Management: Takehisa Kawamata Music Production: Misako Noda Optical Re-Recording: Akira Toshisawa (Aoi Studio) Photography: Chiemi Irisa (Madhouse) Hiroshi Murakami Hiroshi Ōizumi (Madhouse) Hiroshi Tajima (Studio Ipse) Hitoshi Yamaguchi (Madhouse) Masashi Nagao (Madhouse) Masayuki Narai (Madhouse) Mayumi Takarada (Studio Ipse) Norio Matsuda (Studio Ipse) Osamu Ishikuri (Studio Ipse) Saori Kibe (Studio Ipse) Satoko Kobashikawa (Studio Ipse) Teruhisa Mizuhara (Studio Ipse) Tomoharu Hosaka (Studio Ipse) Tomotake Ishikawa Tsuyoshi Hanzawa (Studio Ipse) Yukio Masumoto (Madhouse) Yukiya Imamura (Studio Ipse) Production Advancement: Kazuo Watanabe Ryouhei Takahashi Tomomi Yoshino Production producer: Satoki Toyoda Recording: Fujio Yamada (Techno Sound) Kunio Andō (Aoi Studio) Recording Assistant: Yuji Tagami (Aoi Studio) Sound Effects: Shizuo Kurahashi Sound Effects Assistant: Hiromune Kurahashi (Sound Box) Sound Engineer: Masahiro Matsuda Yoshikazu Sasahara Sound Production: Tomoko Nakajima Special Effects: Chiemi Irisa Kumiko Taniguchi Sachiko Suzuki Takatoshi Abe Toyohiko Sakakibar Nasii din tokyo japan. TAKUMI FUJIWARA. Ta japonka wygląda, jakby miała mniej lat, niż wygląda, jakby miała. Czy to co napisałem ma jakikolwiek sens. Nasii din tokyo 2017. Świetny widok? z chaty, dzięki za oprowadzenie i rzeczowe wypowiedzi. big up. Nasii din tokyo game show. Oh look the breadboys back at it again with another banger. Nasii din tokyo express. Nasii din tokyo menu. Nasii din. The first time I watched this, I was entranced, absolutely amazed so, I just want to say this video is masterfully done. More than worthy of covering this incredible movie. Nasii din tokyo. Nasii din tokyo full. At first glance at the cover the style of animation put me off a little, but please don't let that stop you! This is a wonderful movie. The characters are stunningly well crafted and real and the story is fascinating and fun. Funny, sad, wise, madcap, by turns this movie makes you smile and get weepy, it thrills, worries and surprises you. Seriously! I totally love the story and the ending is brilliant. Give this movie a try, you will totally not regret it! Synopsis: Three homeless people in Tokyo - Hana (a wonderful transvestite)Gin (a protective soul) and 16 year old Miyuki find a baby in the trash on Christmas Eve. Gin and Miyuki are prosaic and want to take her to the police but sentimnental Hana (abandoned himself as a child) wants to find her family. Along the way little Kiyoko seems surrounded by coincidences and almost miracles as her new friends find her home. Nasii din tokyo 7. Nasii din tokyo episode 1. Nasii din tokyo map. Nasii din tokyo movie. Amazing always love the Way you put thoughts into words, the way you construct your sentences to make every word important to the video is truely amazing. Keep it up. Nasii din tokyo song. Nasii din tokyo restaurant. Nasii din tokyo 10. Dziekuje za naukę. Anime and why breadsword is all you need. You unpack such complicated and adored artworks so well. It all just makes me inspired to feel the passion of satoshi's work again and again. Thank you for taking the time so shine a little light our way, you brilliant man. Nasii din tokyo hotel.
This is one of the creepiest and most rare Animation scene i've ever seen. “Whether they be magi, shepherds, king or Carpenter, every station of humanity will become equal and humble before the light of god”. Merry Christmas Arkada! And everyone watching. I wanna watch it. it looks awesome.
Tokyo Godfathers hell ya. This movie is very well put together - including the sequence of events, music to set the mood, kind humour, good character development, expressive animation, and a touching story. It's a Christmas miracle tale but also one that is very different from any other, showing a variation of the Three Wise Men story unravel in modern day Tokyo. The story is complex but fast pace of events and action-packed sequences make you sit on the edge of your chair. Voice acting is excellent, so it is advisable to watch the movie with the original soundtrack, with subtitles.
The best part of this movie though is that it shows those Christmas-associated feelings of love, kindness, and sincerity in an unobtrusive and non-patronising way. People of vastly different social status have their fates entangled in a complicated knot of events, which connects them and makes the audience realise how we all really have very similar emotions and understanding of fundamental values, and that we are not all that different from each other.
If you start watching with an open mind and set any preconceptions on how people are supposed to behave aside, you will have a great time going through an emotional roller-coaster together with the three main characters, and will properly enjoy this movie. Best watched during a holiday season.
This movie is my christmas tradition. Thank you for reminding me about this movie! I think it's about time I rematch it. I want to watch this so much. A transgender + run away girl + a beggar + a baby. Nothing can goes wrong. YouTube. Rewatching this anime movie reminded me of Korean popstars or idols. Not everybody notices it, but they are not people anymore, their products used by the company to sell music. In every idol group you find, theres at least one of them admitting or breaking down in social media or video about how nobody sees them as persons. And yes, creepy fans do sneak up on stage and attempt to kidnap them, before security pulls them out.
When will it be released. Just for the record, the version of A Christmas Carol with George C. Scott is the only one that matters. This is a great movie and one of the best Christmas films of all time. I just now noticed that it seems like the IMDb is creating a new format for reviews and I personally don't care for it, but I will keep writing reviews anyway. So this movie features three homeless people who find an infant and try to find her parents. That's really all there is and all there needs to be. The weirdest thing is that I heard that Japan is actually the least religious country on Earth. Well, maybe not the least but two thirds of its population are not religious.
It's not like this doesn't contain any references to the baby Jesus. It explicitly mentions him at the beginning of the story through a play. I think it's great that such a secular country can look into the religious themes of a holiday. I thought Christmas in Japan had something to do with KFC. Did I miss that in this movie? I am glad the movie was rated PG-13. There was a scene where a woman was breast feeding two babies at once. Another breastfeeding scene appeared later.
You'd think with any bare breasts that much, a movie would be rated R. I'm glad the MPAA understood that breastfeeding is something perfectly natural. What's so beautiful about this film is the gorgeous animation. I think this might be the most realistic anime film I've ever seen. It may also be the only one that wasn't based on a manga or directed by Miyazaki. It's great that other artists are learning to create anime masterpieces.
To this day i deeply wish they had given a translation for the card. it's a key component for a Westerner to fully understand that this man is Yakuza. Is there gonna be a dubbed version. Access has been restricted for this account and/or IP address. If you are using a VPN or proxy IP, please disable it while using MAL. If you feel this ban is an error, you may have encountered a spambot's IP ban. Please contact a moderator at MAL's IRC channel: web client. Once you have connected, please private message a moderator who has an & symbol before their nick (double-click). Account ban evasions will only result in your ban becoming successively longer - and possibly permanent. Do not attempt to evade account bans by creating new accounts. Please contact a moderator (details above) to discuss the reasons for your ban and/or if the ban has been longer than expected. While banned you will be able to see your bookshelf and read purchased items, but you will be unable to access the store or purchase any new items.
Sound of this is ska is very good💃💃.
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